Employer survey

  • The Employer survey collects information from nominated representatives. These are people who hold operational and/or executive responsibility for workforce wellbeing, and can answer questions about current organisational policies and practices relating to employee mental health.

  • The interview will be conducted via phone call with a trained interviewer. It will involve answering survey questions about organisational policies and practices around identifying and managing psychosocial risks, work design, consultation, training and support services. The interview will take approximately 20 minutes.

  • This information sheet sets out all the details including what we are doing and why, by whom, what to expect and how your privacy and the information you provide will be managed.

  • So that our survey results are representative (i.e. reflect the make-up of the Tasmanian organisational landscape), we will use a sampling frame from which to select – at random – organisations to invite to do this survey. Based on this sampling frame we will collect survey responses from 621 organisations, spread across industry and organisation size.

  • If your organisation is selected to do the Working Well Employer survey, a member of the project team will identify and connect with your nominated representative(s) and arrange a time for the interview. You can also select to complete this survey online.


    Download Working Well material to display in your workplace:

    If your organisation has not yet been invited, but is willing to be involved with the Working Well study, please register your interest here.