• If you are 18 years or older, living and working in Tasmania you can join this Working Well study.

    You will be one of 13,000 survey respondents from small, medium and large organisations in every industry across the state.

  • The survey questions ask for your views on the policies and practices, culture, training, resources and services available in your workplace to support mental health.

    There are also some optional questions about your own experience of mental health in the context of your work.

  • Data you provide in the Worker survey will be anonymous. Your employer will not be advised of your involvement, and your personal identity will not be revealed in any project outputs.

  • The survey is online and takes about 20 minutes.

    Completing the Worker survey means you can enter into a prize draw to win one of five $200 EFTPOS vouchers.

  • This information sheet sets out all the details including what we are doing and why, by whom, what to expect and how your privacy and the information you provide will be managed.