
Tell us what’s working well in your organisation

This article was originally written for WorkSafe Tasmania’s Issues Magazine, Spring 2024 Edition – you can read the magazine here.

This month researchers at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research will launch the largest survey of Tasmanian employees in the State’s history. The Working Well study is an initiative developed for the WorkCover Board of Tasmania and WorkSafe Tasmania, that aims to establish benchmarking data on the management of employee mental health across Tasmanian workplaces.

Headed by Professor Angela Martin and Dr. Larissa Bartlett, the study will draw insights from 650 organisations representing various industries in Tasmania, as well as almost 14,000 individual employees.

“This project has the potential to significantly benefit Tasmanian individuals and organisations in the long term,” says Professor Martin. “Our goal is to comprehensively understand mental health management capabilities in workplaces and gather valuable insights into employee experiences.”

Over a six-month period, data will be collected through a structured survey process to build a foundational dataset. This data will inform WorkSafe Tasmania’s Workplace Mental Health Framework, and contribute to a Blueprint that will guide future policy and practice.

Dr. Bartlett says the research protocol has been established to ensure that responses and findings are representative of the diversity of organisations and individual workers in Tasmania.

“Organisations will be identified through a random selection process and invited to participate in a 15 to 20-minute phone interview with one of our research team here in Tasmania” she explains.

“We are optimistic that organisation leaders will appreciate the importance of the project, and recognise that a 15 or 20-minute contribution is very reasonable.”

Dr Bartlett says the survey for employees will be online and open to all paid workers in Tasmania, whether full time, part time or casual.

“This is a unique opportunity for individuals to influence future workplace policies and practices related to mental health,” she says.

“It’s a chance to have your say. And to make a difference.”

The Working Well study launches on 29 August 2024.

Working Well is a project funded by WorkCover Board Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government, and delivered for WorkSafe Tasmania by Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania.  

Feature image (left to right): Dr Larissa Bartlett and Prof Angela Martin